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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 4/e
Rod R. Seeley, Idaho State University
Philip Tate, Phoenix College
Trent D. Stephens, Idaho State University

The Chemistry of Life

Internet Activities

The Learning Matters of Chemistry

These interactive chemistry exercises allow the user to visualize atomic orbitals. The 3-D animations are very helpful to the beginning chemistry student. Select "Computer Graphics".
Question: What is the maximum number of electrons that may occupy the "s" and "p" orbitals?
Draw Bohr's model of a carbon atom on a piece of paper.

This is an excellent introduction to carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins.
Question: On a piece of paper, match the monomer unit with the appropriate macromolecule:
1. Monosaccharide A. Proteins
2. Nucleotide B. Carbohydrates
3. Amino Acids C. Nucleic Acid