Go to the Procter & Gamble website. The website states: We market our products in more than 180 countries. With this stature comes both responsibility and opportunity. Our responsibility is to be an ethical corporate citizen. and Our shared Purpose attracts and unites an extraordinary group of people, P&Gers, around the worldthe most diverse workforce in P&G history. Our diversity, our shared culture and our unified Purpose are the defining elements that enable P&G to touch lives and improve life every day. Review its sections on Purpose, Values, and Principles and Diversity and Inclusion. (found on the Purpose and People page)
a. In what ways does Proctor & Gamble show its support for a diverse workforce?
What is the relationship between P&Gs policies on diversity and its claims under Purpose, Values, and Principles?
Find the website of a company that is taking active steps to effectively manage diversity. What are these steps and why are they being taken? Can you identify anything that is particularly innovative in this companys approach to managing diversity? Anything that might be inadvertently dysfunctional?
Find the website of a company that claims to be socially responsible. What approach do you think they take to social responsibility? Find some examples of how the company is being accommodative, and how it is being pro-active.
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