PowerPoint 2003 Comprehensive
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MH Tech Ed Supersite
Office XP
Digital Solutions
UIT 6e
MS Office Specialist

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
PowerPoint Comprehensive 2003: Microsoft PowerPoint 2003

Pat R. Graves

ISBN: 0072254440
Copyright year: 2005

Beyond the book

The Professional Approach Series Office 2003 offers a complete and fully integrated supplements package.

Resources for Instructors

Instructor's Manual Featuring:
  • A complete table outlining the tasks, the exercise number, the recommended method of performing the tasks coupled with the solution and student data files required for each exercise for the entire chapter.
  • Lecture notes with teaching tips and strategies.
  • Embedded PowerPoint presentation slides that corresponds to the lesson
  • Answers to all chapter review exercises.
PowerPoint® Presentation

Fully integrated with the Instructor's Manual, the PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive lecture resource with helpful speaker's notes.


The Professional Approach Series TestBank, using ExamView® Pro Software contains over 1,000 questions categorized by topic and level of learning. Questions that pertain to the Microsoft Office Specialist exams are identified.

Resources for Students

SimNet is a simulated assessment and learning tool for either Microsoft™ Office XP or Office 2003. SimNet allows students to study MS Office skills and computer concepts, and professors to test and evaluate students' proficiency within MS Office applications and concepts. Students can practice and study with SimNet at home or in the school lab, without needing to purchase or install Office software.

SimNet offers a complete computer-based learning side that presents each skill or topic in several different modes. Teach Me presents the skill or topic using text, graphics, and interactivity. Show Me presents the skill using an animation with audio narration to show how the skill is used or implemented. Let Me Try allows you to practice the skill in SimNet's robust simulated interface.

Digital Solutions for Instructors and Students

PageOut is your solution for creating a Web presence for your class. PageOut can help you create your own course Website with easy-to-follow templates using paint-by-number simplicity. PageOut is free to instructors who adopt McGraw-Hill/Technology Education titles. For more information, visit the PageOut website at

The Online Learning Center that accompanies the Professional Series can be accessed at This new Online Learning Center has more end-of-chapter exercises, self-grading quizzes, Internet exercises, an interactive glossary, and more!

Online Learning Centers can be delivered through any of these platforms:
  • McGraw-Hill Learning Architecture (TopClass)
  • (formerly Real Education)
  • WebCT (a product of Universal Learning Technology)

Visit the McGraw-Hill Technology Education Supersite at

A Professional Approach - Microsoft PowerPoint 2003: Comprehensive

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.