Chemistry: A World of Choices
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Chemistry: A World of Choices, 2/e

Paul Kelter, University of North Carolina---Greensboro
James Carr, University of Nebraska---Lincoln
Andrew Scott

ISBN: 0072315903
Copyright year: 2003

Detailed Table of Contents

Prelude: On the Need to Know
P.1 Why Do We Need to Understand Chemistry?
P.2 How We Find Out about Chemistry
P.3 Chemical Technology: Risks and Benefits
P.4 Chemical Information: Where Can You Get It and How Accurate Will it Be?

Chapter 1: Origins
1.1 The Origin of Matter
1.2 The Origin of Atoms
1.3 The Origin of Earth and the Solar System
1.4 The Formation of Molecules and Ions
1.5 Origin of Life on Earth
1.6 Origins of Chemistry as a Science

Chapter 2: Connections
2.1 Alchemy and Its Connections to Modern Chemistry
2.2 The Advent of Modern Chemistry
2.3 The Meaning of Periodic: Putting the Elements on the Table
2.4 The Electronic Logic of the Periodic Table
2.5 A Tour of the Periodic Table

Chapter 3: Bonding
3.1 The Principles of Bonding
3.2 Classifications of Bonding
3.3 Representations of Chemical Compounds
3.4 The forces of Bonding
3.5 What’s in a Name? Chemical Nomenclature

Chapter 4: Recycling and Chemical Mathematics
4.1 Nature’s Recycling: The Earth as a Materially Closed but Energetically Open System
4.2 Introducing Chemical Equations
4.3 Using and Recycling Aluminum
4.4 The Recycling Process
4.5 The Current Status of Recycling

Chapter 5: The Role of Energy in Chemical Reactions
5.1 What Is Energy?
5.2 Energy Appears in Many Forms
5.3 Energy Coming Out and Energy Going In
5.4 Breaking and Making the Bonds
5.5 Why do Chemical Reactions Happen?
5.6 An Introduction to Chemical Kinetics
5.7 Why Bother Knowing All This?

Chapter 6: Creating with Carbon: The Importance of Molecular Structure
6.1 Introducing Organic Chemistry
6.2 The Nature of Carbon and the 3-D Structures of Compounds
6.3 The Impact of Structure
6.4 Synthetic Polymers- Structures That Have Changed Our Lives
6.5 Stereoisomers

Chapter 7: Properties of Water
7.1 Water- Exceptional in Many Ways
7.2 The Universal Solvent
7.3 Water Hardness
7.4 Colligative Properties
7.5 Summing Up

Chapter 8: Acids and Bases
8.1 What Is an Acid?
8.2 Molarity and the Acid Concentration
8.3 Bases- The Other Half of the Story
8.4 Oxides as Acids and Bases
8.5 The pH Scale
8.6 Water and pH
8.7 Seeing Acid/Base Concentration
8.8 Neutralization

Chapter 9: Acid Rain
9.1 The Nature of Acid Rain
9.2 Historical Perspective
9.3 Chemical, Ecological, and Social Consequences of Acid Rain
9.4 Where Do We Go From Here?

Chapter 10: Water Pollution
10.1 What Is Water Pollution?
10.2 Agricultural Sources of Water Pollution
10.3 Industrial Sources of Water Pollution
10.4 Oil Spills
10.5 Wastewater Treatment

Chapter 11: Behavior of Gases
11.1 Balloons and the Properties of Gases
11.2 A Closer Look at Pressure
11.3 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures Takes Flight
11.4 The Pump: The Behavior of Gases as a Fashion Statement
11.5 Applications of the Ideal Gas Equation
11.6 Solubility of Gases in Water

Chapter 12: Air Quality: The Choices That Let Us Breathe More Easily
12.1 The Atmosphere
12.2 Ozone Depletion
12.3 The Greenhouse Effect
12.4 Smog
12.5 Particulate Matter
12.6 in Conclusion: Back to the Future

Chapter 13: The Earth as a Resource
The Earth’s Crust as a Resource

13.1 Gold (Au)
13.2 Copper (Cu)
13.3 Iron (Fe)
13.4 Aluminum (Al)
13.5 The Structure of Metals
13.6 Corrosion
13.7 Petroleum and Other Fossil Fuels
13.8 Soil and Clay
13.9 Spaceship Earth

Chapter 14: The Power of the Nucleus
14.1 The Radioactive Decay of Atomic Nuclei
14.2 The Kinetics of Nuclear Decay
14.3 Applications of Natural Radioactivity
14.4 The Making of a Nuclear Bomb
14.5 Using Nuclear Fission to Produce Electricity
14.6 The Exploitation of Fusion
14.7 Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Chapter 15: Solar Power: The Chemical Energy Alternative
15.1 The Energy We Receive from the Sun
15.2 Photosynthesis- The Solar Energy Model
15.3 Spectroscopy
15.4 Energy Exchange Works Both Ways
15.5 Photovoltaics- Converting Light Energy
15.6 Will It Happen?- The Future of Solar Power

Chapter 16: The Chemistry of Life
16.1 Proteins
16.2 The Nature of DNA
16.3 The 3-D Structure of DNA
16.4 Genes- Where the Action Starts
16.5 DNA Replication- How Genes pass Down through the Generations
16.6 Carbohydrates
16.7 Lipids, including fats and oils
16.8 From Chemicals to People
16.9 The Genetic Frontier- New choices we can make about life

Chapter 17: The Chemistry of Food
17.1 Water as a Nutrient
17.2 Carbohydrate
17.3 Fat
17.4 Protein
17.5 Vitamins
17.6 Minerals
17.7 Food Additives
17.8 Choosing A Balanced Diet
17.9 Energy Needs
17.10 Genetically Modified Food
17.11 Eating- A Crucial Choice

Chapter 18: Chemistry at Home
18.1 Building the House
18.2 Keeping the House Clean
18.3 Chemicals in the Kitchen
18.4 Personal Care
18.5 Pharmaceuticals

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