Chemistry: A World of Choices
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Chemistry: A World of Choices, 2/e

Paul Kelter, University of North Carolina---Greensboro
James Carr, University of Nebraska---Lincoln
Andrew Scott

ISBN: 0072315903
Copyright year: 2003



We live in a world of choices in which chemistry plays a central role. Chemistry is a critical part of our society. Modern medicines are a result of chemistry. So are computer chips. Refining metals for use in so many products is a result of chemistry. We make plastics via chemical processes. We increase yields of all kinds of foods via chemistry. The chemistry that is so beneficial puts stresses on the environment, and we must understand and address these concerns. We live in a world of risks and benefits—A World of Choices. And chemistry can be used to help us understand and deal with these choices.

This textbook is written for students who like to think about ideas and have the hunger to understand how the ideas of chemistry relate to our individual and social day-to-day decisions. While chemistry is a challenging subject, it is also understandable and vital.

Chemistry: A World of Choices focuses the writing and content on interesting topical applications that are the central context from which the chemistry is understood. It also stresses the importance of asking the right questions to yield answers that help you to make meaningful choices.

New and Improved for the Second Edition:

  • Chapter 18 – Chemistry At Home is a NEW chapter discussing topics that include the chemistry needed in building a home, keeping the house clean, chemicals in the kitchen, personal care chemistry, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Chapter 16 – The Chemistry of Life contains NEW topics on carbohydrates, lipids, chemicals in the body and genetic engineering.
  • Chapter 17 – The Chemistry of Food now handles the concepts of vitamins and minerals in separate headings and NEW topics include food additives, choosing a balanced diet, energy needs, genetically modified food, and the critical choices about what we eat.
  • Chapter 4 has a NEW section (4.6) on Green Chemistry.
  • Chapter 6 has been rewritten to include an entirely NEW section (6.5) on functional groups. Chapter 6 also includes NEW content on stereoisomers, optical isomers and geometric isomers.
  • Chapter 8 has a NEW section (8.2) on molarity and (8.4) on oxides as acids and bases.
  • Chapter 10 has NEW focus on water quality.
  • Chapter 11 has a NEW section (11.) on Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures.
  • Chapter 12 has a NEW focus on air quality, and contains NEW content on ozone destruction and bromine.
  • Chapter 13 has a NEW section (13.6) on corrosion.
  • Chapter 15 has a NEW section (15.3) on spectroscopy.

    Application Rich
  • Green Chemistry is discussed in Chapter 4 and integrated throughout the text. An icon in the margin highlights areas where green chemistry is particularly applicable.
  • Case in Point boxes discuss recent scientific development, current news items, and hot topics that have been explained within the context of the chapter content.
  • Consider This poses questions that require the student to use critical thinking skills on a variety of topics.
  • Pro/Con Discussion provides two sides to a social issue regarding uses of chemistry or chemical technology. There are gray areas in many public policy decisions and those that involve chemistry are no exception.
  • Hands On boxes present fun with household chemistry. These are simple experiments that can be done at a desk or any sink and allow you to have hands-on experiences. Problems
  • Many “Worked Examples” have been revised to more clearly show the problem solving process.
  • There are many NEW end-of-chapter problems for EVERY chapter.
  • Food For Thought questions at the end of every chapter are created to provoke thoughtful discussion about topical issues related to chemistry.

  • To provide better accessibility for the student, we have included more titled headings illustrating the nature of the content presented.
  • A NEW Internet icon is present when the student is directed to go the Online Learning Center to find more information on this topic.
  • Excellent and accessible student readings are given at the end of every chapter. Media
  • NEW Online Learning Center with information, instructor’s tools and study tools for students. The students have access to material presented in the in the Web-Based Activities and Exercises at the end of every chapter expanding their knowledge of the material.

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