quality circles | small groups of employees who meet regularly to discuss organizational life and the quality of their work environment
self-directed teams | autonomous groups of employees empowered to make decisions and supervise themselves
group | individuals who interact verbally and nonverbally, occupy certain roles with respect to one another, and cooperate to accomplish a goal
group goals | a group's motivation for existing
group structure | member positions and roles performed
group patterns of communication | pattern of message flow in a group
group norms | informal rules for interaction in a group
group climate | the emotional atmosphere of a group
decision by consensus | a decision which all members understand and will support reached as a result of members voicing feelings and airing differences
questions of fact | questions involving the truth or falsity of a statement
questions of value | questions involving subjective judgments
questions of policy | questions designed to help determine future actions
reflective-thinking framework | a system for decision making and problem solving that is designed to encourage critical inquiry
brainstorming | a technique designed to generate ideas
killer phrases | comments which stop the flow of ideas
killer looks | looks that discourage or inhibit the generation of ideas
kaleidoscope thinking | the taking of existing data and twisting it or looking at it from another angle