Communicating in the Small Group Exercise 1 Subject: Visiting a MUD Given your new understanding and appreciation for group communication,
your first assignment for chapter eleven is to seek out a small group that regularly
uses online communication. Multi-user dungeon environments, or MUD's, are frequented
by game-playing patrons who engage in a language of textual interaction, spiked
with real-time commentary. Take your web-browser to: Once you login to the environment, type "help." Following the
help screen's simple commands, move around the environment and talk with your
new group members in AstroMud. Ask them to show you around. Exercise 2 Subject: A visit to the Democratic Dialogue site One of the persistent trouble spots in the world is, of course, Northern
Ireland. Democratic Dialogue is the think tank guiding Northern Ireland's search
for a peaceful resolution in its conflict with the United Kingdom. Visit Democratic
Dialogue at After reviewing the site, what type of group conversations do you think
occur at this think tank, secluded from the turmoil of the Irish-British struggle? Exercise 3 Subject: Brainstorming and the Internet Of all the things that the Internet is capable of, its capacity to help
users "shop" for information is one of its best attributes. Brainstorm
a topic for your upcoming informative speech using the Internet. Find something
truly interesting and challenging. |