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PowerWeb: Mass Communication
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Dominick:Dynamics of Mass Communication
Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in the Digital Age, 7/e
Joseph R. Dominick

Social Effects of Mass Communication

Internet Exercises

1. Terms of Service

Normally, your ISP or school would have a set of rules that limit what you can do through their service. These are called the "terms of service" or "acceptable use policy." You were presented with these rules when you signed up and probably ignored them. It is time to read them. Find the rules for your ISP, college or a local ISP. Summarize the rules. What seems reasonable and what do you dislike? The rules are normally published online in the same area where you set up an account.

2. Take a Moment for Some Fun

Everyday, the comics are published in the newspaper. But did you know they are also published online? Comics are available through web portals and dedicated pages like Would you read them here rather than in the newspaper?

3. Look for Work Online

Now that you have had some fun, it is time to go to work. Recruiters and job announcements are waiting for you. Go to a recruiter page like or and post your resume. If you would prefer, find five advertisements for your future job from five different companies.

4. Visit a Virtual Museum

Traditionally, museums have been location bound. With the Internet, more content is moving to more people. Visit two virtual museums such as,, and What did you see? Do you believe you could learn something from a virtual museum?