1. Janice plans to join a small family practice group upon completion of her medical school pediatrician residency. Why should Janice, as a pediatrician, be involved in detecting and helping to prevent violence in the lives of her young patients? http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/amnews/pick_01/hlsb0101.htm 2. Derrick has heard about a recent book that has stirred up a lot of controversy about the role of parents and peers in development. What is the book, what is its premise, and why has it generated so many strong feelings? http://www.edweek.com/ew/vol-18/04parent.h18 3. Carmen is completing her PhD in clinical psychology. She is interested in geropsychology. What are some of the areas in which geropsychologists might conduct research and practice? http://bama.ua.edu/~appgero/apa12_2/qualifications/qualificationsmain.html |