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Life-Span Development, 8/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas - Dallas
Cognitive Development in Infancy
Essay Questions
Your next-door neighbor is planning to open a day-care center that caters to infants and toddlers. She has had a lot of experience with toddlers, but less experience with infants, and so she has asked you to share what you have been learning in your life-span development class. She is familiar with Piaget, but has heard some criticisms of his ideas and asks you what you know about this. She also wants your suggestions on how to provide the best possible environment for the children. What would you tell her?
Your 15-month-old nephew has started using two-word sentences. His father is overjoyed with what a genius his son is, and he shares his delight with you every time the two of you speak. While he constantly lets you know that this is clearly a matter of genetics, he also wants to know what he can do to encourage his child’s language development. Explain the process of language development to him, including the stages of language development and explanations of the biological and behavioral theories involved, and discuss with him the research on the influence of both genetics and environment with regard to language development. On the basis of what you know, do you agree with the boy’s father that his language skills are advanced? Or do you believe they are either normal or delayed? Give your reasons.
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