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Life-Span Development Cover
Life-Span Development, 8/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas - Dallas

Middle and Late Childhood
Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle and Late Childhood

Essay Questions


You have been approached by your favorite elementary school teacher, who has asked you for your ideas on creating a healthy, holistic atmosphere for his students. He wants to address their physical, emotional, and cognitive needs, but also wants a special emphasis on teaching children to read. Bearing in mind all of the developmental issues you have studied in this chapter, what would you suggest?

Your roommates are arguing about whose ideas were more appropriate for application to education, Piaget's or Sternberg's. On another note, though, they have agreed with each other that intelligence tests are biased and should not be used. Because you are taking this class in life-span development, they turn to you to determine whether Piaget's or Sternberg's theories and applications are more useful, and they also want you to confirm their stand on intelligence tests. What can you tell them?