|  Life-Span Development, 8/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas - Dallas
Middle Adulthood Socioemotional Development in Middle Adulthood
Chapter ObjectivesI.Discuss Erik Erikson's seventh stage of development. |
 |  |  | II.Elaborate on Levinson's research on life-span transitions. |
 |  |  | III.Describe the research conducted on the midlife crisis. |
 |  |  | IV.Examine the contemporary life-events approach to development. |
 |  |  | V.Explain how historical context, gender, and culture impact development. |
 |  |  | VI.Discuss the longitudinal studies conducted to examine the issue of stability versus change in middle adulthood. |
 |  |  | VII.Examine how love and marriage change as people grow older. |
 |  |  | VIII.Discuss the causes for and results of divorce in middle age. |
 |  |  | IX.Explain the empty nest syndrome and the reasons adult children return home. |
 |  |  | X.Examine how sibling relationships and friendships change during middle adulthood. |
 |  |  | XI.Describe the nature of intergenerational relationships during middle adulthood, including the role that gender and culture play. |