| Life-Span Development, 8/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas - Dallas
Late Adulthood Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood
Chapter ObjectivesI.Discuss Erikson's eighth stage of psychosocial development and Robert Peck's reworking of this final stage. |
| | | II.Explain the life review process. |
| | | III.Elaborate on the four theories of socioemotional development. |
| | | IV.Discuss the stereotyping of older adults. |
| | | V.Indicate the policy issues we face in an aging society. |
| | | VI.Discuss how income changes for the elderly. |
| | | VII.Discuss the living arrangements of the elderly. |
| | | VIII.Describe the aging couple, including marriage, dating, and sexuality. |
| | | IX.Explore aspects of grandparenting such as their satisfaction, their roles and styles, and changing characteristics. |
| | | X.Describe how friendship changes as we grow old. |
| | | XI.Elaborate on the importance of social support and social integration for older adults. |
| | | XII.Explain the roles of ethnicity, gender, and culture in aging. |
| | | XIII.Describe the factors associated with holding a high position in a culture. |
| | | XIV.Expound on the factors related to successful aging. |