Vander, Sherman, Luciano's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, 9/e
Eric P. Widmaier,
Boston University Hershel Raff,
Medical College of Wisconsin Kevin T. Strang,
University of Wisconsin - Madison
ISBN: 0072437936 Copyright year: 2004
Feature Summary
The purpose of this text remains as it has for previous editions: to
present the fundamental principles and facts of human physiology in a
format that is suitable for undergraduate students regardless of academic
backgrounds or fields of study.
The most significant feature of this text is its clear and accurate
descriptions of mechanisms, rather than mere descriptions of facts and
events. As evidence, the book employs numerous flow diagrams that
illustrate clearly defined chains of casual links.
The text's theme reflects the dominant theme of human physiology;
homeostasis. Each body system is approached from the vantage point of
homeostasis as achieved through the coordinated functions of
homeostatic control systems.