Vander, Sherman, Luciano's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, 9/e
Eric P. Widmaier,
Boston University Hershel Raff,
Medical College of Wisconsin Kevin T. Strang,
University of Wisconsin - Madison
ISBN: 0072437936 Copyright year: 2004
Lab Manuals
McGraw-Hill has two lab manuals that can accompany the Vander, Sherman, Luciano's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, 9/e text.
A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology: Concepts and Clinical Applications by Fox-Thouin
ISBN: 007-244087-2
The laboratory experiences provided in this manual allow students to become familiar, in a way that cannot be achieved by lecture and text alone, with many fundamental concepts of physiology. Clinically-oriented lab exercises heighten student interest and demonstrate the health applications of physiology. Each lab is designed to provide hands-on experience in applying physiological concepts, and requires active participation to carry out the procedures and collect data, as well as critical thinking skills to answer the questions at the end of each exercise. The manual is self-contained, so students can prepare for the laboratory exercises and quizzes without having to refer to the textbook.
Experimental and Applied Physiology Laboratory Manual by Pflanzer
ISBN: 007-027257-3
A comprehensive, stand-alone laboratory manual for the one-semester physiology course taught at the undergraduate level. It can accompany any physiology textbook on the market. It reinforces those principles that are fundamental to all courses on physiology. The strengths of this lab manual are its emphasis of hands-on experiments, a practical balance of background information, and clear procedural instructions.
Instructors: Please contact your sales rep for a complimentary copy.
Students: Please contact your bookstore to order a copy.