Vander, Sherman, Luciano's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, 9/e
Eric P. Widmaier,
Boston University Hershel Raff,
Medical College of Wisconsin Kevin T. Strang,
University of Wisconsin - Madison
ISBN: 0072437936 Copyright year: 2004
What's New
Increased Emphasis on Clinical Aspects. In response to adopters’ requests the authors have added new clinically related content in nearly every chapter (see the Preface or Appendix F for details). Many chapter sections now conclude with a new element entitled “Additional Clinical Examples” that highlight diseases and conditions relevant to concepts discussed. Students from a wide array of health-related fields will find this material interesting and relevant to their course of study.
Consolidation of Homeostasis. Previously split between Chapter 1 and Chapter 7, the text now opens with an expanded discussion of homeostasis and feedback. This adjustment allows students to begin their study of physiology with the framework of physiology’s unifying principle.
Streamlined Opening Chapters. Much of material formerly found in Chapters 3-5, such as the genetics of the cell cycle and replication, has been eliminated or consolidated into a single chapter, Ch. 3, Cell Structure and Protein Function. This change reflects the content currently being taught in undergraduate physiology courses and allows the authors to expand topics within the systems chapters without lengthening of the book.
Thorough Updating. The new author team has carefully updated the science in this text line by line to ensure that students are presented with the latest understanding of physiologic principles and research. See the Preface for a list of examples in each chapter.
Dynamic New Line Art and Photos. Building on the dynamic art program of the eighth edition, the authors have revised and added many new illustrations and photographs (@100), many of which illustrate diseases or clinical treatments.
New Instructor and Student Resources. The Online Learning Center has been updated and expanded to host a full suite of study and instructional aids. Students will benefit from a wide range of quizzes and review activities. Instructors will appreciate the new Digital Content Manager CD-ROM that contains electronic versions of the text illustrations, photographs, and tables, suitable for PowerPoint or other uses. A complete PowerPoint Lecture Outline detailing each chapter of Human Physiology, 9e is also available to make lecture preparation simpler, faster, and more engaging.