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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College

Environmental Science and Policy

Multiple Choice Quiz


Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic tenets of the precautionary principle?
A)decisions must be open, informed, and democratic
B)proof of carelessness lies with the proponents not the general public
C)arbitration is required for dispute resolution
D)none of the above

Reading books like My First Summer in the Sierra by John Muir, is an example of
A)environmental literacy.
B)reasoned justice.
C)adaptive management.
D)citizen science.

Choose the correct sequence of events which occurs in the policy cycle.
A)identify problem, evaluate results, enact law
B)set agenda, suggest changes, enact law
C)identify problem, set agenda, enact law
D)suggest change, enact law, set agenda

When a federal agency develops administrative standards it is participating in a process called
A)case law
D)agency rule-making

The primary purpose of the Atlantic Coastal Action Programme in eastern Canada is to
A)stop clear cutting of old-growth forest.
B)develop blueprints for restoration of environmentally degraded harbors.
C)to buy land to protect it from misuse and development.
D)all of the above.

Nongovernmental organizations
A)work for social change.
B)have become a powerful aspect of environmental protection.
C)are located primarily in more highly developed nations.
D)all of the above
E)b and c are correct.