| Principles of Environmental Science William P. Cunningham,
University of Minnesota Mary Ann Cunningham,
Vassar College
Human Populations
Further Readings
| Arizpe, Lourdes and Margarita Velásquez.. (1994.). The Social Dimensions of Population.. Boulder, CO:: Westview Press.. (Pages 15-40 in). Lourdes Arizpe, M. Priscilla Stone and David C. Major, eds. Population and the Environment: Rethinking the Debate. | | | |
| Arizpe, Lourdes, M. Priscilla Stone and David C. Major, eds.. (1994.). Population and the Environment: Rethinking the Debate.. Boulder, CO:: Westview Press..
| | | |
| Arrow, Kenneth, et al.. (1995.). Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment. Science.. : . (Vol. 268 (April 28) pages 520-21.).
| | | |
| AtKisson, A.. (1999.). Believing Cassandra: An Optimist Looks at a Pessimist's World.. White River Junction, VT:: Chelsea Green Publishers.. A highly readable revisiting of "Limits to Growth." | | | |
| Bengtsson, Tommy and Christer Gunnarsson.. (1994.). Population, Development, and Institutional Change: Summary and Analysis.. New York:: Oxford University Press.. (Pages 1-23). Kerstin Lindahl-Kiessling and Hans Landberg, eds., Population, Economic Development, and the Environment. | | | |
| Bilsborrow, Richard and Martha Geores.. (1994.). Population Change and Agricultural Intensification in Developing Countries.. Boulder, CO:: Westview Press.. (Pages 171-208 in). Lourdes Arizpe, M. Priscilla Stone and David C. Major, eds. Population and the Environment: Rethinking the Debate. | | | |
| Birdsall, Nancy.. (1994.). Government, Population, and Poverty: A 'Win-Win' Tale.. New York:: Oxford University Press.. (Pages 173-198 in). Kerstin Lindahl-Kiessling and Hans Landberg, eds., Population, Economic Development, and the Environment. | | | |
| Bledsoe, Caroline.. (1994.). Children are like young bamboo trees': Potentiality and Reproduction in Sub-Saharan Africa.. New York:: Oxford University Press.. (Pages 105-138 in). Kerstin Lindahl-Kiessling and Hans Landberg, eds., Population, Economic Development, and the Environment. | | | |
| Bloom, David and Jeffrey Williamson.. (1998.). "Demographic Transitions and Economic Miracles in Emerging Asia,". : World Bank Economic Review,. (vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 419-456.).
| | | |
| Bok, Sissela.. (1994.). Population ethics: Expanding the moral space.. Harvard University Press,: Cambridge, Massachusetts.. (Pages 15-26 in). G. Sen, and L. Chen editors. Population policies reconsidered: Health, empowerment and rights. | | | |
| Brown, L. R. and B. Halweil.. (1999.). "Where Death Rates Are Rising,". : Worldwatch Magazine. (12(5):20-29.). some places, the historic trend toward longer life has been abruptly reversed. | | | |
| Brown, Lester, Gary Gardner and Brian Halweil.. (1999.). Beyond Malthus: Nineteen Dimensions of the Population Problem.. Washington, DC:: Worldwatch Institute..
| | | |
| Cohen, J.E.. (1995.). "Population Growth and Earth's Human Carrying Capacity,". : Science. (269(5222):341-346.). A trenchant analysis of human choice and agency complicate simple ecological analysis of carrying capacity. | | | |
| Dasgupta, Partha, Carl Folke, and Karl-Göran Mäler.. (1994.). The Environmental Resource Base and Human Welfare.. New York:: Oxford University Press.. (Pages 25-50 in .). Kerstin Lindahl-Kiessling and Hans Landberg, eds., Population, Economic Development, and the Environment | | | |
| Diamond, Jared.. (1997.). "Paradises Lost,". : . (Discover 18(11):69-78.). A tragic but informative history of environmental impoverishment and extinction of Polynesian settlements on Pitcarin and Henderson Islands in the South Pacific. | | | |
| Easterlin, Richard.. (1996.). "The Next Century in Historical Perspective.". : University of Michigan Press.. (Pages 145-154 in). Growth triumphant : the twenty-first century in historical perspective. Ann Arbor: | | | |
| Engelman, Robert.. (1998.). Human Population Prospects.. New York:: Cambridge University Press.. (Pages 47-78 in). Nicholas Polunin, ed. Population and Global Security. | | | |
| Erickson, Brad.. (1999). "Counterpoint: Why Restricting Immigration Won't Save One Tree,". : Inner Voice. (9(6): 21-22.). A social justice view that rising consumption rates are a greater environmental threat than immigration. | | | |
| Grant, Lindsey.. (1997.). "Point: Want to Help the Environment? First Control Immigration,". : Inner Voice. (9(6): 19-20.). A Malthusian claim that we ought to close our borders to immigrants. | | | |
| Hartmann, Betsy.. (1999.). Population, Environment, and Security:. Cambridge:: South End Press,. (pp. 1-23.). A new Trinity. In Jael Silliman and Ynestra King, Dangerous Intersections: Feminist Perspectives on Population, Environment, and Development, | | | |
| Harvey, David.. (1974.). Population, resources, and the ideology of science.. : Economic Geography. (50: 256-277.). A Marxian view of the population question. | | | |
| Harvey, Philip D.. (1999.). "Let Every Child Be Wanted: How social Marketing Is Revolutionizing Contraceptive Use Around the World.". New York:: Greenwood Publishing.. A hopeful look at family planning practices and policies. | | | |
| Homer-Dixon, Thomas F.. (1999.). Environment, Scarcity, and Violence.. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press..
| | | |
| Johnson, D. Gale. March. (2000.). "Population, Food, and Knowledge,". : American Economic Review. (90(1): 1-14.).
| | | |
| Lassonde, Louise.. (1997.). Coping with Population Challenges.. London:: Earthscan.. Examines the Programme of Action adopted at the U.N. Conference in Cairo in light of demographic challenges and ideological conflicts. | | | |
| Lindahl-Kiessling, Kerstin and Hans Landberg, eds.. (1994.). Population, Economic Development, and the Environment.. New York:: Oxford University Press..
| | | |
| Lutz, Wolfgang.. (1994.). World Population Trends: Global and Regional Interactions Between Population and Environment.. Boulder, CO:: Westview Press.. (Pages 41-66 in). Lourdes Arizpe, M. Priscilla Stone and David C. Major, eds. Population and the Environment: Rethinking the Debate. | | | |
| McCay, Bonnie J. and Svein Jentoft.. (1998.). Market or Community Failure? Critical Perspectives on Common Property Research.. : Human Organization. (Vol. 57, No. 1, pages 21-29.).
| | | |
| McKibben, B.. (1999.). "Taking the Pulse of the Planet,". : . (Audubon 101(6): 104-111.). An interview with Worldwatch President Lester R. Brown. | | | |
| Menza, Valeria and John R. Lupien.. (1998.). World Population and Nutritional Well-being.. New York:: Cambridge University Press.. (157-171). Nicholas Polunin, ed. Population and Global Security. | | | |
| Migration on Forest Cover in Indonesia.. Journal of Environment and Development. : . (8(2): 32-45.). Transmigration policies to reduce crowding on Java are having devastating effects on the forests of Borneo, Sumatra, and New Guinea. | | | |
| Mitchell, J. D.. (1998.). "Before the Next Doubling,". : Worldwatch Magazine. (January/February 1998.). How large will the human population be? | | | |
| Mitchell, Jennifer D.. (1998.). "Breaking Population Momentum,". : World Watch. (11(1):20-27.). Our window of opportunity to prevent another doubling is down to less than ten years. | | | |
| Murphy, Raymond.. (1994.). Environmental Classes and Environmental Conflict.. Boulder, CO:: Westview.. (163 - 173 in). Rationality and Nature: A Sociological Inquiry into a Changing Relationship. | | | |
| Northwestern Environment Watch.. (1977.). Slowing Population Growth.. Seattle, WA:: Northwestern Environment Watch.. Policy options for slowing population growth in the Pacific Northwest. | | | |
| Pimentel, David, et al.. (1999.). "Will Limits of the Earth's Resources Control Human Numbers? ". : Environment, Development and Sustainability.. (Vol 1, pages 19-39.).
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| Polunin, Nicholas, ed.. (1998.). Population and Global Security.. New York:: Cambridge University Press..
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| Potts, Malcolm.. (2000.). "The Unmet Need for Family Planning.". : Scientific American. (282(1): 88-93.). Women and men in many countries still lack adequate access to contraceptives. | | | |
| Roberts, Bryan.. (1994.). Urbanization and the Environment in Developing Countries: Latin America in Comparative Perspective.. Boulder, CO:: Westview Press.. (303-338). Lourdes Arizpe, M. Priscilla Stone and David C. Major, eds. Population and the Environment: Rethinking the Debate. | | | |
| Ross, Eric B.. (1998.). Introduction.. London & New York:: Zed Books.. (Pages 1-7 in). The Malthus factor: poverty, politics and population in capitalist development. | | | |
| Ruttan, Vernon W.. (1999.). "The Transition to Agricultural Sustainability. ". USA.: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. (Vol. 96, pages 5960-5967.).
| | | |
| Sen, Amaryta.. (1994.). Population and reasoned agency: Food, fertility, and economic development.. New York:: Oxford University Press.. (Pages 51-78 in). Kerstin Lindahl-Kiessling and Hans Landberg, eds., Population, Economic Development, and the Environment. | | | |
| Sen, Gita.. (1994.). Women, Poverty and Population: Issues for the Concerned Environmentalist.. Boulder, CO:: Westview Press.. (Pages 67-86 in). Lourdes Arizpe, M. Priscilla Stone and David C. Major, eds. Population and the Environment: Rethinking the Debate. | | | |
| Senanayake, Pramilla.. (1998.). Women and the Family Planning Imperative.. New York:: Cambridge University Press.. (Pages 185-204 in). Nicholas Polunin, ed. Population and Global Security. | | | |
| Tierney, John.. (1990.). "Betting the planet. ". : New York Times Magazine,. (12/2/90.).
| | | |
| Vitousek, P., H. A. Mooney, J. Lubchenco, and J. Melillo.. (1997.). "Human Domination of Earth's Ecosystems.". : Science. (277 (25 July): 494-499.).
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| World Resources Institute.. (2000). World Resources 2000-2001.. Washington, DC:: World Resources Institute..
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