Acceptance testing
is a formal, documented process in which users use the new system, verify that it works correctly under operational conditions, and note any errors that need to be fixed.
Applications programmer
is a programmer who writes application software.
Chief information officer (CIO)
is the person within your organization who oversees the use of information as a resource.
Data flow diagramming (DFD)
is a modeling technique for illustrating how information moves through various processes and how people outside the system provide and receive information.
End user development
is the development and support of computer systems by users (such as yourself) with little or no help from technology specialists.
Fiscal feasibility assessment
determines if your organization has sufficient resources to develop the proposed system and if the total cost of those resources falls within an allocated budget.
Horizontal market software
is general business software that has application in many industries.
is the delegation of work to a group outside your organization for (1) a specified length of time, (2) a specified cost, and (3) a specified level of service.
Parallel conversion
is a conversion method in which you run both the old and new system until you're sure the new system works correctly.
Piecemeal conversion
is a conversion method in which you target only a portion of the new system for conversion, ensure that it works correctly, and then convert the remaining system.
Pilot conversion
is a conversion method in which you target a select group of users to convert to the new system before converting everyone.
Plunge conversion
is a conversion method in which you literally unplug the old system and use the new system exclusively.
Problem/opportunity statement
is a concise document that describes the exact nature of the problem or opportunity and provides broad statements concerning how the proposed system will benefit the organization.
Program flowchart
is a graphical depiction of the detailed steps that software will perform.
is a technology specialist whose expertise lies in taking user requirements and writing software to match those requirements.
Project manager
is the person who oversees the project from beginning through implementation and support.
is a model of a proposed product (which can be a computer system).
is the process of building a model that demonstrates the features of a proposed product, service, or system.
Request for proposal (RFP)
is a formal document that outlines for your logical requirements for the proposed system and invites outsourcing vendors to bid on its development.
System champion
is a management person within your organization who (1) believes in the worth of the system and (2) has the "organizational muscle" to pull together the necessary resources.
Systems analysis phase
of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) involves modeling how the current system works from a logical point of view, identifying weaknesses and opportunities, creating a logical model of the new system, and reviewing the project plan.
Systems analyst
is a technology specialist who understands both technology and business processes.
Systems construction phase
of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is the phase in which you actually create the new system.
Systems design phase
of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) involves generating several alternative technical solutions for the new logical model, selecting the best technical alternatives, developing detailed software specifications, and - once again - reviewing the project plan.
Systems development project plan
is a document that includes a list of the project team, the problem/opportunity statement, the project budget, the feasibility assessments, and project timetable.
Systems implementation phase
of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) involves training users, converting existing information to the new system, converting users, acceptance testing, and reviewing the project plan.
Systems investigation
is the first phase of the traditional systems development life cycle (SDLC) in which you seek to lay the foundation for the systems development process.
Systems programmer
is a programmer who writes operating system and utility software.
Technical feasibility assessment
determines if your organization has access to or can acquire the necessary hardware and software for the proposed system.
Time feasibility assessment
determines if your organization can develop the proposed system while meeting certain deadlines.
Traditional systems development life cycle (SDLC)
is a structured step-by-step approach to developing systems that creates a separation of duties among technology specialists and users.
Vertical market software
is software that is unique to a particular industry.