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I-Series Computing Concepts
Stephen Haag, University of Denver
Maeve Cummings, Pittsburg State University
Alan I Rea, Jr., Western Michigan University

Computer Programming


Algorithm    is a set of specific steps that solves a problem or carries out a task.
Assembler    is a utility program that converts assembly language into machine language that the computer then can use to run software.
Assembly language    is a machine-dependent, low-level language that uses words instead of binary numbers to program a specific computer system. Programmers can use words like start or abbreviations like mov (move) to tell the computer what to do.
Backdoor    is an undocumented method a programmer uses to gain access to a program or a computer.
Bug    is a common name for a software error.
Case control structure    tests a condition that can result in more than a true or false answer. For example, you might need to determine shipping costs based on an item's weight.
Client-side Web programming language    employs users' Web browsers to add interactivity and new functions to Web pages.
COBOL    stands for Common Business Oriented Language and works best for business applications on mainframe computers. It's the most common programming language in the world.
Coding    is when you translate your algorithm into a programming language.
Comment    is an explanation that tells other programmers what's happening in software code. The computer ignores the comment when it runs the code.
Compiler    simultaneously translates high-level programming languages into machine language. In other words, your 3GL or 4GL is completely translated into machine language all at once.
Computer aided software engineering (CASE) tool    is a software application that helps prepare reports, draw program flowcharts, and generate software code for prototypes.
Control structure    specifies the order in which a computer will execute each line of software code.
Counter    is a numerical value that tracks the number of iterations in a software code.
Debugging    is the process of finding errors in software code.
Documentation    is a collection of instructions and explanations relevant to a piece of software.
Do-until control structure    repeats a portion of a software code as long as a certain condition doesn't exist.
Do-while control structure    repeats a portion of software code as long as a certain condition exists.
Dynamic HTML (DHTML)    combines CSS, JavaScript, specific tag extensions, and other markup languages to bring high interactivity to Web sites.
Event-driven language    responds to actions users perform on the program. It's an event when you click on a button, use a pull-down menu, or scroll down a window.
eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML)    combines the formatting power of HTML with the strict syntax of XML and allows users to access a Web site from almost any Internet device.
For-next control structure    repeats a portion of software code a precise number of times. It uses a counter to check the condition.
Fourth-generation language (4GL)    is a machine-independent, high-level nonprocedural language that uses human words and symbols to program diverse computer systems.
High-level language    allows programmers to use words and symbols closer to human language to code software.
If-then-else control structure    tests a condition in software code that results in a true or false.
Input    is information that comes from an external source and enters into a piece of software.
Input-process-output (IPO) table    shows what information a piece of software takes in, how it processes information, and what information it produces.
Interpreter    translates one line of source code into object code at a time. In other words, the computer translates a line of source code into object code, then executes it, then goes to the next line of code and repeats the process.
Iteration control (loop)    is another word for repetition control structure. It instructs a piece of software to repeat a series of instructions until it fulfills a condition or while a condition exists.
Logic error    is a mistake in the way an algorithm solves a problem.
Low-level language    requires programmers to code at a basic level that a computer can understand.
Machine-dependant language    is a programming language that works only on a specific computer system and its components.
Machine-independent language    is a programming language that works on different computer systems regardless of their components.
Machine language    is a machine-dependent, low-level language that uses binary code to interact with a specific computer system.
Macro    is a scripting language program that executes a task or set of tasks within a software application.
Markup language    contains sets of specific keywords that use syntax to instruct Web browsers to work with information.
Meta tag    provides information to search engines about your Web site.
Natural language    is a human language that can program a computer. For example, a natural language command might be: TELL me the NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE number for EVERYONE who bought a car BEFORE 1995.
Nonprocedural language    requires that a programmer write a code to tell the software only what it should accomplish.
Object    is an item that contains information and procedures that can be used in a software program.
Object code    is the machine language the computer uses to run your program.
Object instance    is an exact copy of an object in object-oriented programming.
Object-oriented programming (OOP)    is any programming language that uses objects to code software.
Output    is the information a piece of software produces after it has processed input. Output can appear on a computer screen, in a printout, or in records in a database.
Portability    is when a programming language has the ability to work on a variety of computer hardware and operating systems.
Procedural language    requires that a programmer write code to tell software what to accomplish and how to accomplish it. If you wanted to create software to get a sum of numbers you'd have to tell the software what you wanted (a sum of numbers) and then how to accomplish it (add the numbers together).
Procedure    is an instruction that manipulates an object's information.
Processing    manages information according to a piece of software's logic. In other words, processing is what the software does to the input it receives.
Program flowchart    is a graphical depiction of the detailed steps that a piece of software will perform.
Program manual    is a technical manual for programmers. It contains a problem/opportunity statement, algorithms, flowcharts, and copies of older versions of the code.
Programming language    contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm.
Pseudocode    uses English statements to create an outline of the necessary steps for a piece of software to operate.
Rapid application development (RAD)    uses prototypes to test software components until they meet specifications.
Repetition control structure    instructs a piece of software to repeat a series of instructions until it fulfills a condition or while a condition exists.
Reserved word    is a word that a programming language has set aside for its own use. For example, Dim is a reserved word that Visual Basic uses to create a variable.
Run-time error    is a mistake that occurs when you run a software code.
Scripting language    is an interpreted programming language that works within another application to perform tasks.
Selection control structure    uses an existing condition to decide how a computer will execute software code.
Sequence control structure    makes sure that a computer executes software code from top to bottom, left to right.
Sequential execution    is when a computer performs each line of software code in the order it appears.
Server-side Web programming    uses Web server resources to retrieve information, process information, and output customized Web pages.
Software development environment    is an application that provides programming tools to debug and manage software programs.
Software patch    is a small fix to a problem using a piece of software code.
Software upgrade    is a substantial revision of existing software to improve its usefulness.
Source code    contains all the commands and comments a programmer used to code the software.
Syntax    is a set of rules to follow.
Syntax error    is a mistake in a software code's grammar.
Technical writer    explains concepts and procedures to non-technical software users.
Third generation language (3GL)    is a machine-independent, high-level procedural language that uses human words and symbols to program diverse computer systems.
User manual    tells users how to use a software program.
VBScript    is an interpreted scripting language based on Visual Basic. It is similar to JavaScript but only Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser can use it.
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)    is an interpreted scripting language that works within Microsoft Office applications. For example, you can use VBA in Microsoft Excel to create a payroll spreadsheet macro.
