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Internet Exercises
(See related pages)

  1. What's the link between alcohol and aggression? Why does this linkage occur?
    The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism published this alert on Alcohol, Violence, and Aggression.

  2. Do children learn to be aggressive by watching and imitating the behavior of others? How does this work? What can be done about it?
    Read Albert Bandura's classic "Bobo Doll" study of children's imitation of modeled aggression.
    This site presents the results and recommendations of the National Television Violence Study.

  3. Design a program to prevent violence in the schools.
    The Centers for Disease Control published this handbook for preventing youth violence.

  4. How can acquaintance rape be prevented?
    This site is an excellent analysis of acquaintance rape. Using this information you can test your knowledge and assess how safe you are.

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