I. Describe aggression and distinguish between instrumental and hostile aggression, noting the limitations in this classification.
II. Understand how gender and personality relate to the expression of aggression.
III. Describe how delegitimizing outgroups can facilitate aggression.
IV. Define the main features of two biologically based theories of aggression. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches to aggression?
V. Discuss the importance from a historical perspective of the frustration-aggression hypothesis, emphasizing the findings regarding the concept of catharsis.
VI. Summarize the cognitive-neoassociationist model's explanation of how negative affect-from various sources-may contribute to aggression.
VII. Discuss the underlying causes for the facilitating effects alcohol and physiological arousal can have on aggression.
VIII. Discuss the contributions of social learning theory toward understanding instrumental aggression and evidence relating media and violence.
IX. Describe the main features of three approaches-disinhibition, formation of aggressive scripts, and cognitive priming-that seek to explain how exposure to media violence influences behavior.
X. Discuss the findings regarding the impact of pornography on sexual aggression.
XI. Discuss the relationships among culture, sexual scripts, and acquaintance rape.
XII. Define and discuss the findings regarding the relationship between sexual jealousy and aggression, and how relationship violence differs as a function of relationship stage.
XIII. Describe the important features and relative effectiveness of the various techniques designed to reduce aggression: punishment; inducing incompatible responses; cognitive interventions; social modeling; internalizing anti-aggressive beliefs into the self-concept; apologies as aggression controllers; and social skills training.
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