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Internet Activities
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An American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force issued a report in 1986 on persuasion and control, particularly as those concepts applied to cults and large group awareness training (LGAT). Use the site below to get an overview of the report and summarize the ethical issues involved. Consider the ethical concerns from both a professional and a layperson's perspective.

Cult Awareness Resources

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At the site below, you will find a number of definitions of "love" and a brief discussion of the history of love. Midway through the article is a list of 10 beliefs about love. How many of those beliefs do you hold? Are those beliefs backed by any kind of empirical research? Which of these beliefs do you think has the weakest support in real-life activities? Why?

Love and Relationships

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At one of the sites below, the issue of road rage is discussed. At the other site below, the effects on children of watching violence on television are presented. Read both articles, and then determine if you see any similarities or overlap between the concepts of adult road rage and children viewing televised violence. How would you systematically study any possible relationships between the two concepts? Is such a study feasible and/or worthwhile?

Driver Aggression: The role of personality, social characteristics, risk and

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Violence on Television

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