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Learning Objectives
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Attitudes and Social Cognition
  1. Define social psychology and attitudes. (p. 442)
  2. Explain how attitudes are changed through persuasion, and describe how attitudes and behavior influence one another. (pp. 442 - 444)
  3. Describe the main principles of social cognition, including schemas, impression formation, attribution, and biases. (pp. 444 - 449)

Social Influence
  1. Define social influence and conformity, and describe the factors that influence conformity. (pp. 450 - 451)
  2. Define compliance, and describe how the foot-in-the-door technique, the door-in-the-face technique, and other sales tactics lead to compliance. (pp. 451 - 453)
  3. Describe Milgram's study of obedience to authority and its results. (pp. 453 - 454)

Prejudice and Discrimination
  1. Define prejudice, and describe its relationship to stereotyping and discrimination. (pp. 455 - 456)
  2. Explain how prejudice originates and what can be done to minimize its impact. (pp. 456 - 457)

Positive and Negative Social Behavior
  1. Define interpersonal attraction, and describe the factors that contribute to friendship and liking. (pp. 458 - 459)
  2. Describe the efforts that have been made to understand love. (pp. 459 - 460)
  3. Define aggression, and compare the instinct, frustration-aggression, and observational-learning theories of aggression. (pp. 461 - 463)
  4. Define prosocial behavior and altruism, and describe the factors that encourage or hinder bystanders from helping during emergencies. (pp. 463 - 464)

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