Plummer Physical Geology
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Earth Revealed

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Physical Geology, 10/e

Charles C. Plummer, California State University at Sacramento
David McGeary, California State University at Sacramento
Diane H. Carlson, California State University at Sacramento

ISBN: 007252815x
Copyright year: 2005

Earth Revealed

Physical Geology: Earth Revealed, 5/e contains the same text and illustrations as the tenth edition of Physical Geology by Plummer, McGeary, and Carlson. The chapter order has been changed so that internal processes (plate tectonics, earthquakes, etc.) are covered in the first part of the book and external processes (rivers, glaciers, etc.) are described toward the end of the book. This ordering is preferred by many geology instructors.

Physical Geology: Earth Revealed is also featured as the companion text to Earth Revealed Introductory Geology, a PBS television course and video resource produced in collaboration with the Annenberg/CPB project. Earth Revealed is a series of twenty-six half-hour video programs organized around the chapters of Physical Geology: Earth Revealed. The television programs document evidence of geologic principles at geographically diverse sites, often using a case study approach. Videocassettes can be purchased individually or a thirteen-tape set. A Study Guide and Faculty Guide are also available to supplement the programs. For information regarding the use of Earth Revealed Introductory Geology as a television course, or to purchase videocassettes for institutional or classroom use, contact the Annenberg/CPB Multimedia Collection at 1-800-LEARNER.

The chapters in Plummer/Physical Geology, 10/e and McGeary/Physical Geology: Earth Revealed, 5/e are correlated as follows:

McGeary/Physical Geology: Earth Revealed, 5/ePlummer/Physical Geology, 10/e
Ch. 1: Introduction to Physical Geology
Ch. 2: Earth's Interior and Geophysical Properties
Ch. 3: The Sea Floor
Ch. 4: Plate Tectonics
Ch. 5: Mountain Belts and the Continental Crust
Ch. 6: Geologic Structures
Ch. 7: Earthquakes
Ch. 8: Time and Geology
Ch. 9: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals
Ch. 10: Volcanism and Extrusive Rocks
Ch. 11: Igneous Rocks, Intrusive Activity…
Ch. 12: Weathering and Soil
Ch. 13: Mass Wasting
Ch. 14: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
Ch. 15: Metamorphism, Metamorphic Rocks….
Ch. 16: Streams and Floods
Ch. 17: Ground Water
Ch. 18: Deserts and Wind Action
Ch. 19: Glaciers and Glaciation
Ch. 20: Waves, Beaches, and Coasts
Ch. 21: Geologic Resources
Ch. 1: Introduction to Physical Geology
Ch. 17: Earth's Interior and Geophysical Properties
Ch. 18: The Sea Floor
Ch. 19: Plate Tectonics
Ch. 20: Mountain Belts and the Continental Crust
Ch. 15: Geologic Structures
Ch. 16: Earthquakes
Ch. 8: Time and Geology
Ch. 2: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals
Ch. 4: Volcanism and Extrusive Rocks
Ch. 3: Igneous Rocks, Instrusive Activity…
Ch. 5: Weathering and Soil
Ch. 9: Mass Wasting
Ch. 6: Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
Ch. 7: Metamorphism, Metamorphic Rocks….
Ch. 10: Streams and Floods
Ch. 11: Ground Water
Ch. 13: Deserts and Wind Action
Ch. 12: Glaciers and Glaciation
Ch. 14: Waves, Beaches, and Coasts
Ch. 21: Geologic Resources

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