Charles C. Plummer,
California State University at Sacramento David McGeary,
California State University at Sacramento Diane H. Carlson,
California State University at Sacramento
ISBN: 007252815x Copyright year: 2005
The tenth edition provides a complete physical geology package for the student
and instructor.
For the Student
Online Learning Center at
This comprehensive site gives you the opportunity to further explore topics
presented in the book using the Internet. The site contains several types
of interactive quizzes with immediate feedback, animations, flashcards, Internet
activities, additional readings, answers to selected end of chapter questions,
and a career center. We've integrated PowerWeb: Geology's information and
timely world news, web links, and much more into the site to make these valuable
resources easily accessible to students.
Student Interactive CD-ROM can be packaged with every new copy of Plummer et al/Physical Geology, 10th edition. This CD-ROM features chapter-based quizzes, chapter-based web exercises, student tutorial, animations, and PowerPoints of all the images found in the textbook.
For the Instructor
Online Learning Center at
Included in the password-protected Instructor's Edition is an Instructor's
Manual that contains a chapter overview, a list of changes, learning objectives,
a list of boxes, discussion and essay questions, and selected readings. The
Online Learning Center also contains PowerPoint Lecture Outlines, as well
as the list of slides and transparencies that accompany the tenth edition.
Digital Content Manager CD-ROM This CD-ROM contains every illustration, photograph, and table from the
text, 50 animations, and 10 additional photos for each chapter. The software
makes customizing your multimedia presentation easy. You can organize figures
in any order you want; add labels, lines, and your own artwork; integrate
material from other sources; edit and annotate lecture notes; and then have
the option of placing your multimedia lecture into another presentation program
such as PowerPoint.
Instructor's Testing and Resource CD-ROM
This cross-platform CD-ROM provides a wealth of resources for the instructor.
Supplements featured on this CD-ROM include a computerized test bank utilizing
Brownstone Diploma testing software to quickly create customized exam. This
user-friendly program allows instructors to search for questions by topic,
format, or difficulty level; edit existing questions or add new ones; and
scramble questions and answer keys for multiple versions of the same test.
Other assets on the Instructor's Testing and Resource CD-ROM are grouped
within easy-to-use folders. The Instructor's Manual and Test Item File are
available in both Word and PDF formats. Word files of the test bank are
included for those instructors who prefer to work outside of the test-generator
250 Transparencies
Included are 250 illustrations from the text, all enlarged for excellent visibility
in the classroom.
100 Slides
One hundred slides include illustrations and photographs from the text.
New Edition of Laboratory Manual for Physical Geology, 12/e by Zumberge,
Rutford, and Carter, ISBN 0-07-282689-4
Laboratory Manual for Physical Geology, 4/e by Jones and Jones, ISBN
Course Management Systems
The Online Learning Center can be easily loaded into course management systems
such as:
o Blackboard
o WebCT
o eCollege
o PageOut
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.