Plummer Physical Geology
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Physical Geology, 10/e

Charles C. Plummer, California State University at Sacramento
David McGeary, California State University at Sacramento
Diane H. Carlson, California State University at Sacramento

ISBN: 007252815x
Copyright year: 2005


Physical Geology is a classic that has been used for introductory geology classes for two and a half decades. During that time it has evolved into a market-leading text read by thousands of students. In keeping with this long-standing tradition, the tenth edition has been updated to include the most current information from the various subdisciplines that comprise physical geology. Physical Geology is for both non-science majors and for students contemplating majoring in geology. Although the material covered is challenging to students, the clear, straightforward writing and readily comprehensible illustrations keep students' attention and stimulate their interest in the topics covered. We would like to thank the thousands of instructors and students who have helped to make this book a success. It is input from users that has helped up shape and improve each edition.

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