Research provides evidence that students will rely on their own computational strategies (Cobb et al. 1991). Such inventions contribute to their mathematical development (Gravemeijer 1994; Steffe 1994).
NCTM Standards 2000, page 86
Some teachers teach one method ( algorithm) to their class for adding multidigit numbers. Others encourage their students to invent and use their own methods for adding. As a teacher, what position would you take on this issue? Give an example of how you would introduce this concept with reasons for your decision.
3.2 Concepts
It is generally accepted that the base ten numeration system is a result of our ten fingers. Describe a numeration system (additive or positional) that might be developed if we had three fingers on each of our hands rather than five. Explain and show examples of how counting and addition would be done in this system.
3.2 Concepts
There are three different concepts of subtraction that occur in solving problems: take-away, comparison, and missing addend. Write a different word problem for each of these concepts of subtraction and note which concept is being used . Do you think it is important for school students to be taught about these concepts and/or their names? Explain why or why not. Do you think it is important for teachers to be taught about these concepts and/or their names? Explain why or why not.
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