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Barson, A., and L. Barson. "Ideas (Geometry Activities)." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (April 1988): 27—36.

Battista, M.T. "Bridging the Gap between Logo and School Geometry." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (September 1987): 7-11.

Battista, M.T. "Geometry Results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study" Teaching Children Mathematics 5 (February 1999): 367-373.

Bledsoe, G. "Guessing Geometric Shapes" Mathematics Teacher 80 (March 1987): 178-180.

Borenson, H. "Teaching the Process of Mathematical Investigation." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (April1986): 36-38.

Bright, G., and J. Harvey. "Games, Geometry and Teaching" Mathematics Teacher 81 (April 1988): 250-259.

Burger, W. "Geometry" Arithmetic Teacher 32 (February 1985): 52-56.

Butzow, J.W. "Y is for Yacht Race: A Game of Angles." Arithmetic Teacher 33 (January 1986): 44-48.

Carroll, W.M. "Middle School Students' Reasoning About Geometric Situations" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 3 (March-April 1998): 398-403.

Chappell, Michaele F. "Spotlight on the Standards: Geometry in the Middle Grades from Its Past to the Present." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (May 2001): 516-519.

Clements, Douglas H., and Julie Sarama. "Young children's Ideas about Geometric Shapes." Teaching Children Mathematics 6 (April 2000): 482-487.

Corwin, R.B. "Ideas." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (February 1993): 325-337.

Del Grande, J. and L. Morrow. Geometry and Spatial Sense. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades K-6. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1993.

Edwards, N.T., G. Bitter, and M.M. Hatfield. " Measurement in Geometry with Computers." Arithmetic Teacher 37 (February 1990): 64-67.

Flores, A. "Bilingual Lessons in Early-Grades Geometry." Teaching Children Mathematics 1 (March 1995): 420-424.

Geddes, D., J. Dove, I. Fortunato, D.J. Fuys, J. Morgenstern, and R. Welch-Tischler. Geometry in the Middle Grades. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Addenda Series: Grades 5-8. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1992.

Happs, J., and H. Mansfield. "Estimation and Mental-Imagery Models in Geometry." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (September 1992): 44-46.

Heukerott, P.B. "Origami: Paper Folding–the Algorithmic Way." Arithmetic Teacher 35 (January 1988): 4-8.

Housinger, M.M. "Trap a Surprise in an Isosceles Trapezoid" Mathematics Teacher 89 (January 1996): 12-14.

Irons, C., and R. Irons. "Ideas." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (November 1991): 25-33.

Jones, D., and W.S. Bush "Mathematical Structures: Answering the "Why" Questions" Mathematics Teacher 89 (December 1996): 716-722.

Keiser, Jane M. "The Role of Definition." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 5 (April 2000): 506-511.

Kennedy, J. and E. McDowell. "Geoboard Quadrilaterals" Mathematics Teacher 91 (April 1998): 288-290.

Kolnowski, L.W. and J.K. Okey. "Ideas." Arithmetic Teacher 34 (April 1987): 26—33.

Kriegler, S. "The Tangram — It's More Than an Ancient Puzzle" Arithmetic Teacher 38 (May 1991): 38-43.

Lamphere, P. "Geoboard Patterns and Figures" Teaching Children Mathematics 1 (January 1995): 282-287.

Libow, H. "Explorations in Geometry: The "Art" of Mathematics" Mathematics Teacher 90 (May 1997): 340-342.

Lindquist, Mary M., and Douglas Clements. "Principles and Standards: Geometry Must Be Vital." Teaching Children Mathematics 7 (March 2001): 409-415.

May, B. "Reflections on Miniature Golf" Mathematics Teacher 78 (May 1985): 351-353.

Morrow, L. J. "Geometry Through the Standards." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (April 1991): 21-25.

Mumme, J., and N. Shepherd. "Communication in Mathematics." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (September 1990): 18-22.

Peterson, B.E. "A New Angle of Stars" Mathematics Teacher 90 (November 1997): 634-639.

Rubenstein, R. N., G. Lappan, E. Phillips, and W. Fitzgerald. "Angle Sense: A Valuable Connector." Arithmetic Teacher 40 (February 1993): 352-358.

Schifter, D. "Learning Geometry: Some Insights Drawn from Teacher Writing" Teaching Children Mathematics 5 (February 1999): 360-366.

Serra, M. Patty Paper Geometry. Berkeley, CA: Key Curriculum Press, 1994.

Souza, R. "Golfing with a Protractor" Arithmetic Teacher 35 (April 1988): 52-56.

Taylor, L., E. Stevens, J.J. Peregoy, and B. Bath. "American Indians, Mathematical Attitudes and the Standards." Arithmetic Teacher 38 (February 1991): 14-21.

Taylor, L. "Exploring Geometry with the Geometer's Sketchpad" Arithmetic Teacher 40 (November 1992): 187-191.

Teppo, A. "Van Hiele Levels of Geometric Thought Revisited" Mathematics Teacher 84 (March 1991): 210-221.

van Hiele, P.M. "Developing Geometric Thinking through Activities that Begin with Play" Teaching Children Mathematics 5 (February 1999): 310-316.

Van de Walle, J., and C. Thompson. "Promoting Mathematical Thinking" ArithmeticTeacher 32 (February 1985): 7-13.

Wilson, P. S., and V.M. Adams. "A Dynamic Way to Teach Angle and Angle Measure." Arithmetic Teacher 39 (January 1992): 6-13.

Zhiek, R.M. "The Pentagon Problem: Geometric Reasoning with Technology" Mathematics Teacher 89 (February 1996): 86-90.

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