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Task 1. Reflect and Compare.
Now scan the first paragraph of this section, on page 242 of the text, in which the authors explain the difference between un personaje teatral and una persona real. Compare your explanation with the authors'. Can you add anything to your explanation?
Task 2. Explain.
Task 3. Scan for Information.
Now scan the paragraph for answers to the following questions.
Task 4. Compare and Contrast. The first two paragraphs on page 243 of the text introduce two more terms related to characters: los actantes y los actores. Use a venn diagram (see Appendix) to document the similarities and differences between these terms and how they function in a drama. Then answer the following questions.
Task 5. Interpret.
Task 6. Create Diagram. Because of el valor semántico, the protagonist's characteristics will vary depending on whether the play is a comedy or a tragedy. With either type of play, however, the protagonist has a purpose: to deliver the message of the dramatic text. Read the four paragraphs on pages 243-244 that begin with, "Las características del protagonista varían..." and end with the paragraph that begins, "La pregunta que aquí se hace necesaria...," in which the authors explain the purposes of and differences between the protagonist's message in a comedy and in a tragedy. Then fill in the diagram below with the information you extract from those paragraphs.
Task 7. Make Connections.
Task 8. Paraphrase.