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Just as narrative and poetry have their own particular structure, so it is with drama. The three genres share one level of structure, referred to as la estructura externa, which reflects el plano textual in that the texts are organized by parts. Theater incorporates another level of structure referred to as la estructura de la acción dramática, which is based on el plano espectacular and focuses on how the dramatic work unfolds. All of the elements you have explored in this chapter have a role in the construction of these two levels of structure.
Task 1. Scan and Confirm.
Task 2. Complete Chart. The way in which the structure of a dramatic text is divided depends upon the rise and fall of the intensity of the emotions or perceptions evoked by the action. Determine the function of each of the structural components presented in paragraphs (a) through (d) on page 247 of the text, and enter that information into the following chart.
The chart is a .pdf file; you will need the Adobe Acrobat reader to view it and print it out.
Chart (64.0K)
Task 3. Highlight. Using your course syllabus as a guide, scan the sections on pages 248-251 of the text and highlight all of the dramatic selections you are assigned to read. Also highlight one or two phrases that explain the importance or significance of each selection. You will refer to this section again in the Stages and Strategies for Reading Drama.
Task 4. Test Yourself. Before you continue, make sure that you can answer the following questions without referring to your notes.
Variation: With your study group, brainstorm definitions for each of these dramatic terms.
Task 5. Practice.