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The next structural level after the syllable, the verse, and the stanza is the poem itself. A poem either will be divided into stanzas (un poema estrófico) or it will not be (un poema no estrófico). The two most important forms of poemas estróficos are el soneto and la letrilla. The three major types of poemas no estróficos are el romance, la silva, and el poema de verso libre.
Task 1. Define. Based on the definition on page 135 of the text, what are the characteristics of the two types of poemas estróficos?
Task 2. Apply.
Task 3. Define. Based on the definitions on page 136, what are the characteristics of the three types of poemas no estróficos? Provide an example of each.
Task 4. Test Yourself. Before you continue, make sure that you can answer the following questions without referring to your notes.
Task 5. Practice.