Previously you determined that there are two important resources that writers need in order to make their "artistic creations." One is the rhetorical figure, and the other is the trope (el tropo). A trope is defined as the "use of a word or expression in a figurative sense" or "a phrase or verse added as an embellishment or interpolation" (Webster, 1181). In other words, a trope takes the direct meaning of a word or expression (el lenguaje directo), then stretches and changes it until it means something else (el lenguaje figurado). The direction in which the word or expression is changed or stretched depends on the kind of trope being used.
|  |  What is the difference between poetry and narrative? |
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|  |  What is el lenguaje literario and how does it differ from el lenguaje directo? |
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|  |  Explain what is meant by una figura retórica and provide an example. |
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|  |  What are the differences between las figuras de pensamiento and las figuras de lenguaje o de dicción? Give at least 3 examples of each. |
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|  |  Create your own examples of the classes and categories of rhetorical figures you have studied in this section. |
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|  |  Re-create the two graphic representations of las figuras retóricas. |
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|  |  How would you explain un tropo to a classmate? |
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|  |  What are the six principal tropes presented in this chapter? Make up an example of each type in both English and Spanish. |
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|  |  Find the following figuras retóricas in the three poems you have analyzed in this chapter. Also identify any other figures that you find in the poems.
A una rosa | Al partir | La saeta | hipérbole | anáfora | perífasis | apóstrofe | prosopopeya | apóstrofe | antítesis | epíteto | anáfora | hiperbatón | símil | metáfora | personificación | asíndeton | sinécdoque |
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|  |  Randomly select a poem from the text and determine what kind of figurative language it contains. |
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