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Task 1. Skim and Scan. Skim the paragraph on page 147. What kind of information does it provide? Scan for the answer to question 1, then speculate on answers to questions 2 and 3.
Task 2. Identify Key Words.
Note: In the Stages and Strategies section, the sample poem that will be used is Trinos, by Ana María Fagundo (p.232). According to the introduction on page 230, Ana María Fagundo was born in 1938 and is still alive today. She falls into the fundamental category of la poesía española de los últimos años.
Task 3. Answer Questions. The section entitled La poesía española de los últimos años on page 155 discusses modern authors of Spain--those who published between 1950 and 1960--as a group. Answer the following questions based on the information in the paragraph.