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There were ads in early colonial newspapers, but there was little reason to promote particular products because
A)many stores could not obtain the items people wanted.
B)not enough people were literate enough to read the ads.
C)consumers preferred to produce all goods for themselves.
D)most manufacturers produced similar goods.

A new trend of the early 19th century was __________, that is, the replacement of work done by hand, with mass produced, factory made goods.
C)consumer culture

According to the text, Thomas Barratt's Pears' Soap ads, containing sayings such as "Have you had your Pears' today?" represented the original
A)print ad
B)brand name
C)catch phrase

One reason that magazines like Harpers had only limited advertising in the 1800s was
A)they had a national circulation.
B)their readers were not affluent enough to make many purchases.
C)competing magazines with larger circulations got the ad business
D)there were few companies advertising at the time.

An indirect action message is best suited for
A)local advertising
B)national advertising
C)advocacy ads
D)classified ads

According to the text, one reason that the New Coke production launch in 1985, did not do well, was that consumers
A)had not liked the taste of it during taste tests.
B)did not react well to look of the new packaging.
C)had emotional attachments to the original Coke.
D)thoroughly disliked the taste of New Coke.

The business of the first ad agencies was only to
A)write ads.
B)sell newspaper space.
C)publish newspaper circulation directories.
D)research media.

An open contract is one that allowed agencies to
A)represent any publication, instead of a few.
B)buy as much space in a publication, (and later in broadcast outlets) as they wanted to.
C)sell ad space to as many different clients as they want to.
D)sell space in any publication (and later in broadcast outlets) that they wanted to.

The ______________ is an advertising concept that will grab people's attention, and make them notice.
A)brand image
B)big idea
C)brand name
D)ad slogan

Two media that do not receive a lot of advertising revenue are
A)movies and newspapers.
B)newspapers and magazines.
C)TV and radio.
D)movies and books.

According to the text, one advantage newspaper ads have over radio or TV ads is that
A)people read newspapers more often then they watch TV or listen to the radio.
B)people believe more in what they read in the paper.
C)newspaper ads allow advertisers to give detailed information.
D)newspapers can carry local ads while TV and radio cannot.

The main advantage of Internet banner ads, over traditional types of advertising, is that
A)more people surf the Internet than are exposed to other media.
B)people tend to believe in the validity of information they find on the Internet.
C)clients can find out how many people have seen their Internet ads.
D)many people click on the banners to get more product info.

In order to target a product to a group of people with similar attitudes and interests, the advertiser would specifically need those people's __________________.
D)consumer surveys.

According to the text, some commercials featuring celebrities aren't very successful because
A)ad agencies don't work as hard to give them a creative concept.
B)the presence of the celebrity may distract the audience from the product.
C)musicians have only local appeal.
D)real celebrities rarely want to endorse products.

The term clutter on TV refers to
A)the large numbers of TV shows that people don't watch.
B)excessive amounts of shots packed into one commercial.
C)commercials and other non-programming messages on TV.
D)celebrity endorsement ads.

The term subliminal advertising means
A)appealing artwork displayed in ads affects people subconsciously.
B)the subconscious thoughts of ad creators strongly affect their work.
C)there are message embedded so deeply in an ad, that they cannot consciously be perceived.
D)products displayed with their brand names on TV or film sets, subconsciously influence viewers to buy them.

According to the text, children are a highly desirable audience for advertisers because
A)when people develop tastes for products as children, they generally keep them throughout their lives.
B)studies show that children see 1000's of commercials a year.
C)the bulk of TV programming is aimed at children.
D)children spend $11 billion a year on consumer products, and influence their parents to spend $160 billion a year.

Cigarette ads on TV have long been banned by the Federal government. But even though it is not legally prohibited, the Big Three networks, do not accept ads for
D)Internet services

The Stanford Research Institute developed the Values and Lifestyle system to help measure _______________________.
A)product value
C)consumer spending
D)universal product appeal

The term economy of abundance refers to
A)an economy where there are enough consumers to buy the products that are being produced.
B)the idea that one can save money, and still live in material comfort.
C)an economy where there are as many goods available as people want to buy.
D)an economy where people have more disposable income than is necessary to buy the things they want.

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