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James B. Twitchell. (1996). AdcultUSA: The triumph of advertising in American culture. New York: Columbia University Press.
Twitchell provides an excellent look at American culture of advertising. Although critical of the advertising industry at times, Twitchell avoids the temptation to blame all that is wrong with the world on advertising.

ed. Esther Thorson. (1989). Advertising Age: The principles of advertising at work. Lincolnwood, Illinois: NTC Business Books. (128-129).
This anthology of articles from trade magazine Advertising Age provides coverage of a wide range of major issues in the advertising business through real-life examples.

David Ogilvy. (1963). Confessions of an advertising man. New York: Atheneum.
Ogilvy's Confessions is the definitive book about working and succeeding in the advertising business.

George Lois. (1972). George, be careful. New York: Saturday Review Press.
Lois tells the story of how he went from being the son of a Greek immigrant florist to a successful ad agency owner. Along the way he also produced some of the most memorable Esquire covers ever.

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