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Internet Connection Activity
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1. Link to the website of one of the listed Public Relations firms listed here:

Public Relations Agencies

PR agencies are increasingly using the web to promote themselves, along with their clients. Here are the home pages for several firms.

This is the PR firm that helped save Tylenol following the tampering scare in the 1980s. They also helped Perrier following their water contamination problems.

Edelman Public Relations Worldwide
Edelman is the largest independently owned PR agency in the United States. It was founded in 1952 and has 1350 employees. This web page provides an excellent discussion of the services the agency provides.

Charles Ryan Associates
Charles Ryan Associates is West Virginia's most well-know public relations firm.

Ketchum Public Relations Worldwide
The home page of Ketchum Public Relations Worldwide. Includes a description of the company, a list of their worldwide offices, a bulletin board where visitors can provide feedback, and links to some of the company's clients.

After choosing an agency to examine, answer the following questions:

a. Who are some its clients (if listed)?

b. What special services does it offer?

c. Where does it have offices?

2. Link to the website of the Center for Media & Democracy ( According to this organization, what's wrong with the public relations industry?

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