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In the field of public relations, a (n) __________________is made of people within a particular organization.
B)external public
C)internal public

_______________ was one of the first conducted press agentry, when he sent letters to the editor, under fake names, accusing himself of fraud.
A)Thomas Paine
B)Washington Irving
C)P.T. Barnum
D)Ivy Lee

One of the things Ivy Lee recognized was that
A)the public was affected by rational arguments more than anything else.
B)people reacted strongly to symbols and phrases.
C)it was easy to cover up unpleasant news.
D)public opinion could never really be manipulated.

One of the founders of PR, Edward L. Bernays, used a technique he called engineering consent. This meant that
A)using scientific principles and tried practices to get people to support ideas.
B)getting the consent of the client to engineer a message that would sway public opinion.
C)being very open with the public about the way their perceptions are engineered by PR.
D)engineering a different approach to reach each individual, as opposed to the public as a whole.

Ivy lee's "Declaration of Principles" for PR can best be summarized this way
A)"Tell the truth because it is the moral thing to do"
B)" Influence the leader and you influence the group"
C)"Openly and honestly supply accurate and timely news to the press."
D)"Tell the press what the public wants to hear, and they will always write favorably about your client."

President Woodrow Wilson established the committee on Public Information in order to
A)convince the American public to enter the war.
B)persuade Americans that we should stay out of the war.
C)persuade Americans that this should be their last war.
D)build American support for the war

Bernays used the term opinion leadership to refer to the process of
A)influencing community leaders to have certain opinions.
B)using respected an influential individuals to deliver messages in an attempt to influence the community.
C)influencing more members of a community to achieve leadership positions, in order to mold public opinion.
D)having public relations professionals pose as leaders so that they can influence public opinion.

The central notion of modern PR, that distinguishes it from press agentry, is
A)informing a variety of publics.
B)attempting to gain the cooperation of the press.
C)creating and managing a client's image.
D)supporting interaction between an institution and its publics.

In the planning and programming stage of a PR campaign, a focus group is used to
A)get the members of the PR team to talk about and focus on the task at hand.
B)bring PR team members together to focus on what is being written or said about the client in the media.
C)bring together members of the public to talk about how they perceive an organization, product, or issue.
D)getting the pubic to focus on a product by issuing positive statements about it.

According to the text, a public is ___________________.
A)the populace of a country.
B)a group of people who work for a company.
C)a group of people who share a common set of interests.
D)the people who read, hear or view information through the media.

A(n) _________________ is a computer network that is open only to members of an organization.
C)chat room

The function of the International Public Information Group is to
A)give information to members of the US military stationed overseas.
B)correct unflattering or erroneous information about the U.S. received abroad.
C)coordinate all the activities of the press departments of all governments worldwide.
D)give US residents correct information about overseas events.

In public relations terms, a crisis is
A)an exciting event that is likely to get airtime on the TV news.
B)a product, or client caused -event that might result in danger or physical harm to a consumer.
C)an event perceived by the public as damaging to the reputation or image of the clients.
D)a problem that can and should be kept a secret.

According to the text, an important elements of dealing with a PR crisis is
A)never apologize
B)have a crisis plan
C)do not admit guilt, or incriminate oneself in any way.
D)do not rush into reacting too quickly after a crisis

The example given of the way Metabolife handled its interview with 20/20, shows that
A)public relations tactics can make a client's situation worse in some situations.
B)companies have new ways of reaching pubic to tell their story.
C)a company can trick a reporter by secretly recording an interview.
D)companies can enhance good press by helping to promote TV interviews.

The example of Tommy Hilfiger's problem shows that the growth of the Internet has
A)allowed rumors to spread faster than ever before.
B)made it much easier to control and stop rumors.
C)allowed rumors to persist for years, in spite of being contradicted with facts.
D)both A and C

Martin Luther King's public relations campaign helped the civil rights movement by
A)organizing protest marches in towns across the south.
B)picking locations and circumstances for demonstrations that made injustices highly visible to the public.
C)trying to avoid involving children and young people in protests.
D)encouraging marchers to behave violently to get their point across.

According to the text, the mail job of the Spin Doctor is to
A)give information to the press.
B)predict how a certain event will affect his client's image.
C)influence how stories coming out are interpreted.
D)create media events where the client can be show positively.

The Committee on Pubic Information during WWI, enlisted 75,000 "Four Minute Men" to
A)conduct four minute surveys with the public.
B)make four-minute speeches.
C)write press releases in four minutes.
D)write pamphlets that took around four minutes to read.

The term media relations can best be defined as
A)relationships and cooperation between members of the media.
B)negotiating a good price for placement of messages within standard programming or news content.
C)two-way interactions between PR people and members of the press.
D)sending good information to members of the media.

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