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Internet Connection Activity
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1. Look at the two case studies about photographers who digitally altered their photos a. In each case, what did they do wrong?
b. Look at the basic ethical principles in the text chapter; name an appropriate principle, define it, then explain how one of these journalists broke the principle.
c. Should all of these examples of wrongdoing by journalists be considered equally severe? Can ethical principles be flexible? Why or why not?

2. Look at these articles written about journalists who have fabricated or plagiarized stories.
Patricia Smith

Award-winning Boston Globe columnist Patricia Smith resigned her job after she acknowledged fabricating quotes and characters in her columns.

Mike Barnicle

Long-time Globe columnist Mike Barnicle resigned from the paper following questions about two columns he had written: one which allegedly recycled jokes by comedian George Carlin and another that contained facts he was unable to verify.

a. Why was one photographer fired, one criticized, and one pretty much ignored? b. Is it ever OK to digitally alter a photograph for a newspaper or magazine? Why or why not?

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