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The term ethics means
A)a religious or philosophical code of behavior
B)a rational way of deciding what is good for people
C)a rational way to apply all religious ideas
D)a way of judging a piece of journalism

Kant's perspective differed from Aristotle's, in that Kant suggested that morality
A)demands balance.
B)lies in the act itself.
C)is based on intention.
D)should bring happiness.

Kant's categorical imperative could be summarized as
A)"Try to strive for a middle path between excess and defect."
B)"Allow your actions to be guided by the universal laws of nature"
C)"People should consider the result of everyone acting the way they want to act."
D)" Any behavior is justified if it results in good behavior from others."

According to the text, a challenge in applying the principle of utilitarianism is
A)the same act can cause both happiness and pain.
B)deciding whether the consequences of actions are important in deciding what's ethical.
C)utility is practical but not imaginative.
D)all forms of happiness are morally equal.

A journalist using John Rawls' veil of ignorance
A)should be criticized for printing the ignorant statements of people interviewed.
B)must consider all possible known facts about the people involved in a situation in order to present a complete story.
C)should not question the race, gender, income, or social position of their subjects.
D)should not take into account the feelings or privacy of a source.

The commission formed by Henry Luce in 1947, concluded that the First Amendment was not enough to protect the free speech rights of the public because
A)the government was limiting free speech in spite of the First Amendment.
B)the First Amendment had many flaws in its construction.
C)the public was not interested enough in defending its free speech rights.
D)a small number of corporations controlled many of the communication outlets.

Sissela Bok's three-step model for analyzing an ethical situation includes
A)asking what will make the greatest number of people happy.
B)acting as though your actions would become universal law.
C)try to find a balance between doing too much or not enough.
D)try to find a way to achieve your goal without raising ethical issues.

The text cites the example of the press coverage of the McCarthy trials in the 1950s, and quotes media scholar David Martinson, to say that the press often asks the question "Is the story factually true? " instead of asking
A)"Does the writer believe its true?"
B)"Is there an opposing point of view?"
C)"does the story help the public understand the truth?"
D)"Is the story true for other reasons than the ones given?"

One reason Stephen Glass was able to get away with the many fabrications in her magazine articles because
A)editors were impressed with the quality of his writing.
B)the magazines did not want to know if he was making thing up.
C)fact checkers would take too long to do their work.
D)fact checkers were looking for mistakes, not fabrications.

The appearance of the sock puppet on Good Morning America and Nightline is noted here as an example of
B)creative promotion
C)conflict of interest
D)humor in journalism

The term tabloid laundering refers to
A)the open efforts of respectable media to be more like tabloids.
B)respectable media reporting on what the tabloids are reporting.
C)respectable media using the same sources as the tabloids for their stories.
D)the tabloids attempt to clean up their image in the public.

Journalist Lance Morrow says that sensational news items
A)tend to push hard news out of the way.
B)appear more frequently on cable news outlets than on network TV.
C)tend to attract attention to other sensational news items.
D)proliferate when there is not much hard news happening.

According to the text, digitally altering news pictures is risky because
A)it is difficult to do it well enough to make the pictures look realistic.
B)no one attempted to manipulate photos before digital technology existed.
C)photos that are tampered with do not look as good as the originals.
D)it may harm the documentary authority of the photo.

The ombudsman represents the point of view of the

The code of ethics of The Society of Professional Journalists includes the idea that journalists should
A)do what will most profit the organization that employs them.
B)report the truth as fully as possible.
C)consider the needs of the audience before those of the source.
D)do what is necessary to get the truth, regardless of who might be harmed.

According to the text, a complaint about a dishonest ad, is best directed to
A)the Ad Council.
B)an ombudsman.
C)the Federal Trade Commission.
D)the Society of Professional Journalists.

Members of the Family Friendly Forum like to develop " family friendly" shows because
A)they are critical of adult oriented shows.
B)they are concerned viewers may boycott their products if they advertise on adult programs.
C)their stockholders are mostly family oriented people.
D)they want to advertise on shows whose viewers are likely to buy their products.

The main problem with the testimony about Kuwait, that Hill & Knowlton arranged for a young girl to give before the Congressional Human Rights Congress was that
A)the girl lied under oath.
B)the girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S.
C)the firm never investigated to see if the girl's claims were true.
D)the girl had never lived in Kuwait.

The Hutchins Commission listed
A)five requirements for a responsible press.
B)five philosophers whose ideas best worked in journalism.
C)several errors made by the government in terms of limiting free speech.
D)the most important goals of society.

A Calvin Klein ad underwear campaign in the 1990s created controversy because it
A)used child models posing in underwear.
B)featured nudity.
C)lied about young teens being over 18.
D)discussed child pornography.

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