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Multiple Choice
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Parsimony refers to
A)sufficient detail being given to ensure that someone reading an academic content standard will know what students are expected to learn.
B)the narrow focus of the standards.
C)teachers' knowing the content standards for the subject(s) they teach.
D)all of the above

Which of the following criteria for selecting tests means that the test yields similar results when it is repeated over a short period of time or when a different form is used?

Which of the following is not a weakness of the test-retest method?
A)If the interval between tests is too short, memorization is a factor.
B)The two test conditions might differ.
C)If the same items are used on both tests, the respondents' answers on the second test may be influenced by their memory of the first test and by discussions about the items with classmates or teachers between tests.
D)Too few items in calculations can lead to greater distortions and more chance effects.

Predictive validity is concerned with whether or not a test reflects the knowledge and skills presented in a particular
A)school's curriculum.
B)the relation of test scores to performance at some future time.
C)whether or not test items adequately reflect the specific content of a subject.
D)a and b

Which of the following would be characteristic of norm-reference tests?
A)focuses on a broad, general domain of learning
B)is used for survey or general testing
C)covers a limited range of content material
D)a and b

A teacher who is concerned about whether the test items on an exam adequately reflect the content material to be tested is focused on
A)predictive validity
B)curricular validity
C)content validity
D)none of the above

During the 1990s, high-stakes tests became more prominent in the United States and they are characterized by
A)results that impact important decisions about a student.
B)state assessment systems that are aligned to a set of academic content requirements for students at particular age or grade levels.
C)a focus on student achievement and clear expectations for student performance at particular grade levels.
D)all of the above

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