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  1. Good teachers know the standards for their local district and for their state.
  2. A good test is reliable and valid. Methods for establishing reliability are test-retest, parallel test forms, and split-half reliability. Forms of validity are content, curricular, construct, criterion, and predictive, with content validity being most important.
  3. There are two major types of tests: norm reference and criterion reference. Norm-reference tests measure how a student performs relative to other students. Criterion-reference tests measure a student's progress and appraise his or her ability relative to a specific criterion.
  4. For general appraisal of an individual's performance or behavior, the standardized (norm-reference) test is an excellent instrument. There are four basic types of standardized tests: intelligence, achievement, aptitude, and personality.
  5. Teacher-made tests may be short-answer tests or essay tests. Short-answer questions include multiple choice, matching, completion, and true-false. Essay, or free-response, questions also include discussion questions.
  6. Proper test administration reduces confusion, curtails students' anxieties, and motivates and helps them do as well as possible.
  7. Important test-taking skills can be taught to students.

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