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Multiple Choice
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Teachers use placement evaluation in order to
A)find out what knowledge and skills students have mastered.
B)discover the causes of students' learning or behavioral problems.
C)a and b
D)none of the above

Summative evaluation is used for which of the following purposes?
A)to monitor student progress during the learning process
B)primarily to certify or grade students
C)to find out what a student's interests and work habits are
D)to assign students to specific learning groups

For homework to be effective in accomplishing its purposes, which of the following suggestions for teachers is correct?
A)Do give homework as punishment.
B)Make up spur-of-the-moment homework assignments for student practice.
C)Don't expect students always to have their homework assignments completed.
D)Don't listen to what students say about their experiences in completing homework assignments.

Which of the following is true of relative grading?
A)It can be based on a curve.
B)It assumes that the teacher can predetermine the distribution of scores.
C)It is subject to the error of leniency.
D)all of the above

Which of the following is true of students' cumulative records?
A)Information should be included indefinitely.
B)Parents have the right to challenge or supplement information contained within their students' records.
C)Information found in the records is not classified.
D)Cumulative records are usually stored in the students' classrooms.

Which of the following is a don't (and not a do) that teachers should consider in assigning homework?
A)Do explain the specific purpose of every homework assignment.
B)Do give homework as punishment to teach students that there are consequences for misbehavior.
C)Do acknowledge the efforts of students to complete their homework.
D)Do assign different types of homework given that not all types of homework are equally valuable for students.

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