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  1. There is little agreement on a national basis regarding the number and mix of educational courses for teacher preparation.
  2. Beginning teachers need support and assistance to ease into their position and improve their instructional skills.
  3. To become a master teacher, you will need continually to improve your teaching abilities and focus your professional development. People closely associated with your teaching and instruction, including peers and supervisors, are best able to provide feedback and evaluation.
  4. Several different types of formative and summative evaluations will help you assess your progress as a teacher.
  5. There are a variety of associations for teachers to join; the two largest ones and the ones that have probably done the most to improve teacher salaries and working conditions are the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association.
  6. Several opportunities exist to help teachers grow as professionals, including reading the professional literature, attending conferences, taking courses, and collaborating with researchers.

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