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Web Links
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National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NCATE has set standards for professional content that outline the qualifications of the faculty who teach NCATE teacher education courses, in an attempt to address the need for national standards for teacher preparation. The site includes links to research, program reviews, and accreditation procedures.
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National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
Founded in 1987, one of the goals of the NBPTS was to improve teacher certification and teacher assessment. Its mission is to develop a voluntary, advanced certification system that establishes high standards for teachers and identifies a governing board to enforce the standards. The site offers a candidate resource center, as well as links to standards, news, and research.
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American Federation of Teachers
The AFT is organized in local chapters and currently has around one million members. It is affiliated with the AFL-CIO and calls itself one of the country's oldest advocates of "free public education." Site resources include a Legislative Action Center and a parents' page.
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National Education Association
Founded in 1857, the NEA is committed to advancing public education. The organization claims a large network of affiliates in every state, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. It represents the second largest lobby force in the United States.
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Phi Delta Kappa
Perhaps the best-known professional organization for teachers, PDK includes 649 local chapters in the U.S., Canada, and abroad. Its membership is available to graduate students, administrators, grade school and college-level teachers, and undergraduates who are pursuing teacher certification. Site resources include links to research and publications, as well as a bookstore and gift shop.
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OrnsteinOnline Learning Center

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