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Multiple Choice
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Which of the following is/are not written by teachers?
D)all of the above

Which of these is an example of an instructional objective?
A)to identify the main ideas in John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath
B)development of reading skills in science-related areas
C)understanding of scientific concepts
D)all of the above

Which of the following is an example of an aim?
A)to identify characteristics of a democratic society
B)understand the reasons for the War of 1812
C)to determine how hydrogen and oxygen change to water
D)worthy use of leisure time

Lesson plan objectives may state
A)expected behaviors.
C)conditions of mastery.
D)all of the above

According to the Tyler model, educators should filter their purposes (goals) through which of the following two screens?
A)philosophy and society
B)philosophy and psychology
C)learners and subject specialists
D)none of the above

Which of the following is one of the President's Goals 2000?
A)All children in the United States will start school ready to learn.
B)All children will be able to attend the school of their choice.
C)All children will have access to a free, public education.
D)All children will be eligible for free lunches in economically disadvantaged schools.

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