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Multiple Choice
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Which of the following is/are true of classroom management?
A)Teachers should move from high teacher control to moderate control systems as the year progresses.
B)Students should begin to engage in more self-monitoring of their behavior.
C)Teachers should always direct and control students.
D)a & b

Which of the following is/are true of the behavior modification approach?
A)Behaviorists argue that behavior is shaped by environment.
B)Behaviorists pay limited attention to the causes of problems.
C)Teachers using the behavior modification approach manage their classrooms through a system of rewards and punishments.
D)all of the above

The group managerial approach to classroom management
A)involves moderate teacher intervention.
B)is based on the research of James Watson and B.F. Skinner.
C)is packaged as part of the "academic productivity" movement in education.
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not true relative to the success approach to classroom management?
A)The success approach is rooted in humanistic psychology and the democratic model of teaching.
B)William Glasser calls this approach "reality therapy."
C)The success approach involves contingency management techniques.
D)The success approach involves Glasser's control theory.

Which of the following "mistaken goals," as identified by Rudolph Dreikurs, is related to a students' increase or refusal to stop misbehavior and tends to foster a "threatened" feeling in the teacher?
B)revenge seeking
C)attention getting
D)power seeking

Which of the following is a method of using behavior modification in the classroom?
A)"catch them being good" approach
B)rules-reward-punishment approach
C)contingency approach
D)all of the above

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