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relationship  A succession of interactions between two people who know each other that are altered by their shared past interactions and that also affect their future interactions.
social comparison  The process of evaluating one's characteristics, abilities, values, and other qualities by comparing oneself with others, usually one's peers.
play  Activity that is intrinsically motivated, concerned more often with means than with ends, free from external rules, nonserious, and highly engaging.
pretend play  A form of play, usually social, in which children often use symbolic meanings to act their fantasies and by so doing learn social roles and how to interact with others. Also called imaginative and fantasy play.
sociometric technique  A procedure for determining children's status within their peer group in which children nominate others whom they like best or least or rate each child in the group for his likeability or desirability as a companion.
popular children  Children who are liked by many peers and disliked by very few.
average children  Children who have some friends but are not as well liked as popular children.
controversial children  Children who are liked by many peers but also disliked by many.
neglected children  Children who tend to be socially isolated and, though they have few friends, are not necessarily disliked by others.
rejected children  Children who are disliked by many peers and liked by very few.
aggressive rejected children  Rejected children who are characterized by high levels of aggressive behavior, have low self-control, and exhibit behavior problems.
nonaggressive rejected children  Rejected children who tend to be withdrawn, anxious, and socially unskilled.
friendship  A reciprocal commitment between two people who see themselves as relative equals.
self-disclosure  The honest sharing of information of a very personal nature, often with a focus on problem solving; a central means by which adolescents develop friendships.
negative gossip  Sharing with a peer some negative information about another child.
dominance hierarchy  An ordering of individuals in a group from most to least dominant; a "pecking order."
clique  A voluntary group formed on the basis of friendship.
crowd  A collection of people whose shared attitudes or activities have been designated by a stereotypical term, such as populars or nerds.

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