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At the Next Level
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Typically, we think of production as a one-person job. However, technology lets us explore specialization in commercial production. First and foremost, not all talent has to be at the recording session at the same time, let alone in the same studio, city, or state. From that aspect, production has become decentralized to a degree.

A work-saving feature of digital audio workstations is that when they are linked on a local or wide area network, several people can access the commercial file and contribute to the project. For example, the talent lays down their voice track; a production person selects a piece of music that is too long for the ad; another production person in the creative studio accesses the ad, edits the music to fit the ad, and adds a musical effect for emphasis; and, finally, the original production person assigned the task accesses the file and does the final mix before assisting the sales person to call the client for approval.

When complete, a copy of the commercial is placed on a secure web site for all of the stations in the group running the ad. This also allows competing radio stations with an order to run the ad to download it.

It is important to note that radio stations can decentralize the process to the point that none of the people contributing to the commercial's creation have to be located at any one central location. They could be scattered across the country.

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