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On the Job
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I want to talk about synergy and cooperation. In my years in the process I experienced production people who "got it" and understood the importance of production in the sales process and I met those who didn't. While you are a talented individual, and the sales department and the client value your contribution to the client's marketing solutions, you need to realize that there will be times when either the client or salesperson, or both, want to take a project a different direction than you anticipated.

You need to develop strong relationships with your salespeople so that you have good lines of communication. You must have good give and take with the salespeople. After all, you are working together to satisfy the client. Until the client is satisfied and the ad goes on the air, the station does not make any money. Often production people learn the styles of commercials that particular salespeople and clients like. When it comes right down to it, the client has the final say in how their ad is produced.

I worked with a man in Orlando for a short time who had an incredible audition CD. Unfortunately, he believed the compliments he got from time to time. As the production person, he felt the salesperson and the client should listen more closely to him. When a client changed his mind or when the salesperson made a mistake that the client caught and he had to correct, he often became frustrated. He just could not understand when someone did not like his production or ideas. He did not make it past the new employee probationary period. He was let go because he could not get along with people and he did not understand that production works for sales.

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